

Friday, December 16

4 of 4

My recent running life:

October 16: ran a half-marathon.
October 16-28: no running. Mostly sitting. Nay, all sitting, all the time.
October 29-November 23: gradual return to training in preparation for this year's Egg Nog Jog, a fun run in the boonies I've been doing since I was 15. Starting adding hill work to the mix.
November 24: pain in my shin. GAME OVER.

I've just been saddled with my fourth significant injury of the year. Something to do with a strained gastrocnemius muscle and lingering shin splints--basically, everything below my right knee is tight, jammed and useless. The pain when I ran was minimal, but I had a feeling it would only get worse. My physio tells me we caught this one "early", which I guess is some comfort, but I've been forbidden to run for at least one more week. Wah wah.

Mandatory rest ain't so bad, though, and it should help with my long term goal: on January 1 (...okay, maybe January 2) marathon training begins.

For real this time.
Already peeing my pants.

And it would be really nice to get into this training period without an old injury hanging around my calves. I'll be running Around The Bay in March (more hills!), Harry's in High Park in April (I can walk there from my house!), and then, hopefully, the Mississauga Marathon in May. I'm doing it for me, but also a little for this lady:


Gotta make you proud, Hazel. 


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